Test project for javascript build and deployment
An es6 javascript project to demonstrate use of travis-ci to:
- run tests using jest,
- push coverage results to codecov.io, and
- deploy jsdoc-built docs to github.io
Note that the coverage and complexity stats (as conveyed by the badges) don't look too good -- that's intentional, to test that the tools actually work.
I created this because I hadn't used Travis CI for build and deployment of and es6 code base, so I wanted a simple project I could use to explore the options and procedures
General setup
The project uses vanilla es6 javascript, including es6 modules. For node compatibility, the package.json "type" is "module". There is no use of babel, webpack, etc.
Test setup and travis-ci
First, install standard, eslint, jest, and cross-env as devDependencies. The "standard" package is a style checker. "eslint" is used to check complexity here. "jest" is the test framework, and "cross-env" allows you to set environment variables in a cross-platform way. In this case, it's just used to make sure that node understands that es-6 modules are in use when the tests are run. Next, add these to the "scripts" section of package.json:
- "complexity": "eslint index.js src/.js test/.js",
- "style": "standard index.js src/.js test/.js",
- "pretest": "npm run complexity && npm run style",
- "test": "cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules jest"
Edit .eslintrc.yml to add/modify complexity rules. Finally, create an account at travis-ci.com, and add the .travis.yml file with test parts filled out appropriately
Generating documentation
First, install docdash, and jsdoc as devDependencies. "jsdoc" is the documentation generator, and docdash is a template for the jsdoc output. Next, populate .jsdoc.json, and finally add these to "scripts" in package.json:
- "predocs": "rm -rf docs",
- "docs": "jsdoc --configure .jsdoc.json --verbose",
You'll then need to greate a page for the project at github.io. Then, in your github project's settings, you'll need to add the github pages config, with these options:
- branch: gh-pages
- source: / (root)
Finally, update .travis.yml with the items needed for documentation generation and deployment
Code coverage
For this, just update .travis.yml to include the coverage options. Then create ann account at codecov.io, and link your github project